Sunday, December 13, 2009

I am Alive!

I wanted to start this post by dedicating these pictures to Josh T. King. Who accused me of looking at inappropriate new moon trailers at his house. hahahaha Jacob and Edward are hott! So this post will be up for another 6 months!

Don't be mad Josh.. Nickie thinks your hotter.

These are the Girls that I work with at the Store. :) Black Friday. P.S. we made Julie wear the crown and snowy scarf.

It was Freezing. But this was Thanksgiving day. I wore my AFI shirt. I was number 403 There were over 7,000 people running in the Drumstick Dash. This is the Rescue Mission behind me. I've served food to the homeless there a few times.

The National in Richmond, Va. AFI concert.

My Best- We were laughing while drinking our Favorite! Chocolate Mint Milkshake at Mill Mountain Coffee and Tea!

I got my Bike License. J/k but i do want it.

My LOVE! Davey. This was during the Opening Song.

Setting up stage.

After work. hahahaha j/k i jacked up moms hair and then took a picture. I love her.

My new wig. Ha We were in walmart and there were halloween wigs 90% off. I wore it until we saw a lady from church and then I was so embarrased that i took it off.

Hello- I am alive. I've been the biggest bum when it comes to updating my blog. Like I've always said... what do I have to blog about? I'm not that interesting. But I will at least update a tiny bit of life from the past 4 or so months. I turned 21 in October.. that's pretty cool. I woke up and went straight to the ABC store .. so that was pretty cool. I drove Dads rental car too.I honestly had the best birthday i've ever had in a LONG time. Daddy took me to see AFI- One of my favorite bands. I've wanted to see them for a LONG time. They were amazing Live. I got their brand new album about a month before the concert and so i rocked out at the concert. Dad looked a little scared during the mosh pit. hahahahah I love him. The opener for AFI were some weirdo europeans with ALOT of feelings. But it was worth it! i got a shirt with the tour dates on the back. It had 10/19 on the back. My BIRTHDAY! We also stood outside for 3 hours in the freezing while we waited for the band to come out. I got my shirt signed by all the members of the band. Dad even got his ticket signed by Davey the main singer. Ha Davey was surprised to see Dad as a Fan. Thanks Dad again for sacraficing a nights sleep so that you could get punched and pushed, while sweating. :) Novemeber brought another Birthday(s) Jinny and Gnickie. They are SO old. So I decided to not post their ages. I didn't buy anybody any presents. I'm sorry. Tuition went up at BYU-Idaho. It went up from $1.00 to now $2.00. So.. I'm a little screwed. Um... I did at least write a song for Gnickie for her birthday. I called her and sang it to her.. here it is-

Yo My Girl Nickie...

This is your Birthday Rap.
If you don't like it....
Well tough Crap.

Yo my girl Nickie
It's your Big Day

I didn't get you a Gift

So i'm sorry, that's gay

At least you got Panda and my Crab AK

Remember that time- we grew up on the Mobile Bay.

All day long, Your the Motha Freakin Queen

You've got the hottest Bo-dy that I have ever Seen.

So enjoy your birthday, Your only 27
Wow, Having a sister like me must be like Heaven.

Also November was THANKSGIVING. It was fun. Mom and I had a HUGE feast. We just finished leftovers like 2 days ago. ha. My best friend Megan Turnmire flew in for the holiday and We got to run another 5k together. It was the Drumstick Dash-Move your Feet so Others can Eat! it was for a good cause and we KILLED IT! ha We ran all through the streets of Downtown Roanoke. Live music and lots of HILLS! hahah We had a blast. We want to maybe do a half marathon this summer.
Decemeber brings lots of hours at the store... work, work , and more Work. But soon i'll be in Idaho. I fly out of Roanoke on December 31st. moms bday. :( but anyway... that's my life.


  1. Okay...I don't even know where to begin. You crack me up! Josh will LOVE the shout out and the pictures that were posted.

    You are interesting. I love when you update your blog. I found myself laughing at pictures that were posted. For one, the pictures of Mom's hair...what the crap. Hotness!!! That is a new version of the Texas poof:)

    I am glad that you were able to go to the AFI concert. I know Dad enjoyed bringing you to it. In fact, he thinks he is AFI's biggest fan now:)

    Way to run in the 5K. I am too fat and lazy to join you. Maybe someday.

    Love you and thanks again for my Birthday Song:)

  2. I had been wondering how you were doing since you left school and dissappeared into the wilds of Virginia. I've only been able to hear about your life third hand....from your mother, to your grandmother, to me. And when I ask.....the answer inevitable comes back to me.....she's working. So it's good to see you are having a little fun. So have you heard from your mother after you posted that picture of her? That should be a fun conversation! Well, glad to see you are still alive and kicking. Your aunt,

  3. please hurry up and come out here. i miss you. and so does your bed. do you really have to go back to byu-idaho??
